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"Andy Loftus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Does anyone have any ideas as to why $_POST would be empty when
> submitting a form to php?
> I am running PHP5 as CGI in apache 1.3.22 on redhat linux.
> I've also tried php4.3.8 CGI (same php configuration and .ini file)
> and I get the same behavior.
> When I submit an html form with method=post, the $_POST superglobal
> array is empty.  GET works fine.  I've tried many different
> configuration options with PHP but none seem to help.  I've tried the
> default php.ini-dist config file with no luck.
> I've gone through all the relevant bug reports and search all the
> mailing lists, FAQ's and newsgroups.  I can't find any useful,
> applicable information.
> My configure command is:
> ./configure \
>         --prefix=/usr/local/php/php5.0.0 \
>         --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php/php5.0.0/ \
>         --with-config-file=/usr/local/php/php5.0.0/php.ini \
>         --enable-force-cgi-redirect \
>         --disable-path-info-check \
>         --enable-safe-mode \
>         --disable-short-tags \
>         --with-regex=system \
>         --with-mysql \
>         --enable-debug \
>         --with-mcrypt \
>         --enable-versioning \
>         --disable-libxml
> --
> Andy

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