* Thus wrote Jon Bertsch:
> ...
> $html_output_1 .= $html_string[0];
> $output = str_replace("@@FISCAL_YEAR@@", $this_year, $html_output_1 );
> (I call it three times to do the replacements in the string).
> ...
> On our development box this little application runs fine. In production 
> where our server is getting around 1 million hits a day (but the processor 
> is rarely above 1% usage) this function completely fails. The page just 
> doesn't get shown. If I comment out the calls to str_replace the html goes 
> over perfectly with the @@TOKEN@@ instead of the necessary information. If 
> I change the str_replace to say YEAR or FISCAL etc it makes no difference.

I'd wager that your script is dying because your probably running
out of memory that php is allowed to use:

 - Check the local value of php.ini:memory_limit
 - set error_reporting = E_ALL
 - ensure log_errors is on and check the logs
   or turn display_errors on

First, let me assure you that this is not one of those shady pyramid schemes
you've been hearing about.  No, sir.  Our model is the trapezoid!

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