"Php Gen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I am just starting out with regex (and classes) so am
> not sure how to do this...
> I am seeing if a HTML file exists, if yes, I am using
> file_get_contents to get the entire HTML file into a
> string.
> In the HTML file I already have this:
> <!-- Start header -->
> <html>
> <body>
> whatever you want comes here
> <!-- End header -->
> How do I use a regex to span these multiple lines and
> simply cut everything (including the start..end
> part)from <!-- Start header --> to <!-- End header -->
> Second question:
> I am using file_get_contents, is it better to use this
> than file() or fread() ?
> Thanks,
> Mag


I can't answer your regexp question but some thoughts on file() etc.:
- file() returns the contents line by line as an array, so this makes only
sense if you need the contents in this form, e.g. for looping through each
line and applying a function or whatever
- fread() requires a file handle that you have to create with fopen(), so
file_get_contents() is kind of a shortcut for fopen()/fread()

Hope this helps.

Regards, Torsten Roehr

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