Thanks for the replies. For those who mentioned load balancing I am using my
own server so that is not an issue. Loads should typically not hit what they
did while the raid array was rebuilding, however this does seem a little
alarming from a security standpoint! How do security conscious sites deal
with the potential threat of site compromise by overloading a server? In my
case the session variables I am using must be set in order to access certain
pages etc. so in the case where they are lost, access is denied, however I
am sure there are some parts of code where I have not accounted for the
possibility that a variable does not exist!

"Boot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> My server was under a heavy load (rebuilding software raid 1 array) and my
> PHP+MySQL site seemed to be all "messed up." From what I can makeout
> variables were being lost. I would expect simply degraded performance but
> not the loss of variables. Is this normal? LOL the array is still
> right now and the alternative problem means something happened to my code
> (yes I have backups :))
> Thanks for any comments!

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