On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 10:02:23 +0200, Torsten Scheck
> Hi,
> I just stumbled over a problem after I had updated PHP, and I thought I
> should share my experience:
> I use PHP Version 4.3.6 with '--enable-trans-sid' and deactivated cookies:
> session.use_cookies Off
> session.use_trans_sid On
> And when I use PHP's session feature together with an empty XML tag, PHP
> places the Session-ID in the wrong place, if there is no blank space
> behind the attribute:
> <frame name="foo" src="<?php echo $page_self; ?>"/>
> =>
> <frame name="foo" src="test-trans-sid.php"/?PHPID=xxx..xxx>
> <frame name="foo" src="<?php echo $page_self; ?>" />
> =>
> <frame name="foo" src="test-trans-sid.php?PHPID=xxx..xxx" />
> (BTW: The blank space is optional according to XHTML specs.)
> I hope this message helps you to avoid the kind of trouble I had.
> See attached test case for further testing and bug fixing.
> The php version I use is too old for the bug system. If you encounter
> the same bug in a higher version, please report it. Thanks.
> Torsten

Why did you update to an older version of PHP?

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