* Thus wrote Hardik Doshi:
> Hello Group,
> I would like to know which one is the most appropriate
> way to implement the following scenario.
> For example, I want to display a products catalogue of
> 100 products. I do have a base class of product which
> contains all the basic property of the product
> (Product title, product description, product price
> etc)and constructor basically pulls the information
> about the product from the DB based on the product
> identifier (Primary key). 
> Now i have two ways to display catalogue.
> 1. I can write only one query to pull all 100 products
> information and store product information to each
> product object (With out passing product id to the
> constructor) into the collection and later i iterate
> that collection to display product catalogue.
> (Advantage: less communication with database server
> and disadvantage: memory consumption is higher)
> 2. I can initiate an individual product object by
> passing product id into the constructor and
> constructor will pull an individual product
> information from the DB and at the same time i can
> display it (Disadvantage: Lots of communication with
> database server and Advantage: memory consumption is
> less) If you think about inheritance then eventually
> this approach will have lots of database calls.
> Please guide me as i am stuck up which way to go.

With these two options I can see why it is a tough choice. There is
another option you can take. Store the result handle of the query
from #1 into an object, and retrieve a row from the database on

abstract class DbIterator implements Iterator {

  /* for me only */
  private $current = 0;
  private $data    = false;
  private $handle = null;

  /* Force extending object to define this function */
  abstract protected function &getData($handle, $function);

  public function __construct($handle) {
    $this->handle = $handle;

  /* Iterator Interface: */
  public function rewind() {
    $this->current = 0;
    db_seek($this->result, $this->current);
  public function current() {
    return $this->data;
  public function key() {
    return $this->current;
  public function next() {
    $this->data = $this->getData($handle, 'db_fetch_assoc');
    if($this->data) {
    return $this->data;
  public function valid() {
    return (this->data !== false);

class dbProductClass extends DbIterator {
  public $id;
  public $name;
  public function __construct($handle) {
    /* let the parent decide what to do with $handle */

  /* and define this required function */
  protected function &getData($handle, $func) {
    $row = $func($handle);
    if ($row == false ) {
      return $row;
    $this->$id = $row['id']

    if (empty($row['name']) {
      $this->name = 'Default Name';
    } else {
      $this->name = $row['name'];
    // do any special stuff here..

    return &$this; 

  public function tableName {
    return 'People';

  /* this is a no no */
  public function __set($name, $value) {
    throw Execption("Attempt to write to readonly property");


// then..
$result = db_query($sql);
$product_rows = new dbProductClass($result);

// then some more..
foreach($product_rows as $row ) {
  echo $row->field_name1;
  echo $row->field_name2;

This will keep communication down to a minimum and memory down to a
minimum usage as well. I hope this wasn't to much, and it is
completely untested.

First, let me assure you that this is not one of those shady pyramid schemes
you've been hearing about.  No, sir.  Our model is the trapezoid!

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