* Thus wrote Ed Lazor:
> Any recommendations on how to make PHP run faster?

To help figure out which queries are running slow there is the
php.ini setting:


Using this will have the php library analyze your queries and if
any of them do table scans php will issue a warning about it, which
can be very helpful finding out where you need indexes.

> I have a script pulling a lot of data from MySQL and generating reports and
> spitting out data (flush) as it's processing so I can see what's going on.
> It was taking around 10 seconds to process each order.  I reduced the total
> number of orders being processed.  I expected the script to take less time
> because there were fewer orders to process, but I was surprised to discover
> that time spent processing each order also reduced almost in half.  I
> figured PHP's memory limit per script at 8mb might be the bottleneck, so I
> upped it to 128, restarted apache, and reran the script.  Increasing
> available memory had no effect.

Its hard to say blindly where the bottle-neck is though.

First, let me assure you that this is not one of those shady pyramid schemes
you've been hearing about.  No, sir.  Our model is the trapezoid!

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