Watty wrote:

I would like to do some thorough availability reports, so I started by
writing the result of the bash script to a log file. I want to parse the
log file to give me availability reports. The log file is in the form:
08/14/04 09:10:01 [TAB] S - when the IP
check returns OK
08/14/04 09:10:01 [TAB] U - when the IP need
to be synchronised
The process does not run when the computer is not on, so that needs to
be taken into consideration.

Is there any entry for when the script/computer is started or stopped? If not, you're not going to be able to determine the actual uptime. If one entry is S, then two hours pass and an entry is U, how do we know if the computer was on or off during that time?

Basically how this is going to work:

1. Read first two lines, $line[1], $line[2], using fgets()
2. Use strtotime() to convert timestamps and subtract
   to determine the elapsed time between them
3. Add difference to either $U_time or $S_time based
   upon status (S or U) in $line[1]
4. Set $line[1] = $line[2]
5. Read next line of file into $line[2]
6. GOTO #2

Then you'll have total $U_time and total $S_time and you can calculate your percentages from there.


---John Holmes...

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