On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 13:37:23 -0700, Brian Dunning
> This question is not necessarily PHP-specific, though we are running
> PHP classes.
> Online store, credit card authorized at time of order, credit card
> charged at time of shipment (could be anywhere from a few minutes to a
> couple weeks later). Standard stuff. But customers are complaining that
> they're being double-charged. Turns out that both the authorization and
> the charge are showing up on their statements. Our merchant provider,
> ConcordEFSnet whose API we're using, says that this is just the way it
> works and there's nothing we can do about it.

This is bull, there's no way it works this way.

> Sounds too incredible to be true. I've never seen anything like this on
> my own credit card statements, and I can't imagine that Amazon, et. al.
> have this problem, though they follow our same business process. Can
> anyone shed any light on this?

How are you "charging" when the order ships? Are you doing a "Sale" or
a "Capture" transaction. Normally when you authorize an amount, it
puts a hold on the amount on the credit card. When you want to charge,
you have to do a "Capture" of the "Authorization". If you instead do a
"Sale", the authorization will show up as a block on the credit card.
It *should* go away after 30 or so days.

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paperCrane --Justin Patrin--

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