* Thus wrote [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Thanks,
> But im using php 4.3.

Then you'll have to resort to some very unstandard methods:

class foo {

  var $instance_manager;

  function getInstanceNum() {
    return $this->instance_manager->instancesOf(__CLASS__);

  function getInstanceName() {
    return __CLASS__;


class Factory {
  var $instances;

  function &create($name) {

    $this->instances[$name]++;       // keep track of instances.
    $new = new $name();              // create object
    $new->instance_manager = &this;  // tell instance about me
    return &$new;                    // return value.

  function destroy(&$obj) {

  function instancesOf($name) {
    return $this->instance[$name];

$Factory = new Factory();
$o = &$Factory->Crate('foo');
echo $o->getIntanceNum();

btw, totally untested.

First, let me assure you that this is not one of those shady pyramid schemes
you've been hearing about.  No, sir.  Our model is the trapezoid!

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