On Saturday 28 August 2004 18:52, gregosh wrote:
> Sorry for posting this problem again but it's been really driving me crazy.
> I've reinstalled Apache and PHP for the 5th time and the result is still
> the same - sessions work only when using <a href="b.php">click</a> link.
> When using header("location: b.php"); the session information is lost and a
> new cookie is set in the temp dir. My work has been waiting for a week
> because of this problem and I can't go on with it. I'm out of ideas. What
> is going on??

1) Use a fully qualified URL for the redirection
2) session_write_close() before you redirect
3) In future search the archives first, this type of problem has been asked 
and answered many times before

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
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