In a message dated 8/30/2004 5:56:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

>Does a book for complete beginners exist that also demonstrates basic
>good programming practices, has decent examples, and perhaps
>exercises/quizzes (not as important as the first two)?

I recommend PHP & MySQL for Dummies, Second Edition. Of course, I'm 
prejudiced. I am the author.

It is definitely written to readers that have no experience with programming 
or with databases. It just assumes knowledge of HTML. The Second Edition, 
which came out this spring, is written for register_globals = off (The first 
edition was for register_globals = on). The book is updated for PHP 5, but all the 
examples and programs in the book will also run in PHP 4. At least, I believe 
they will. I have had no feedback regarding any problems anyone has had. It 
has no exercises or quizzes. But it does have two applications that are running 
examples throughout the book: an on-line catalog and a members only login 
application. The last two chapters put everything together and provide the 
complete applications.

Janet Valade
Author, PHP & MySQL for Dummies, Second Edition
PHP 5 for Dummies
Web site:

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