I agree Nick for an open source community this list is not very open.
Quite a few "I am better than you" type people on the list.  

How does that make the beginner feel?  I better not ask a question, for
I fear that I will get flamed.  What a joke!

There are many other places to go and get good answers without the bull
shit that you get here.

Feeling a little high and mighty there Justin? 

If you get better answers somewhere else then the general advice would
be to go there regularly. There are several fine folks here who spend a
lot of time helping. And you have to admit, because you have been here
for a while, that there are several questions repeated over and over,
questions that do not make sense, questions that have not been
researched at all, etc., etc., etc. Those who have received help here,
including yourself, have been grateful. Those who have dispensed help
here, including yourself, have been happy to do so.

However, your post above would be a pot calling the kettle black as it
is full of judgemental schmegma which is just not required. These little
flame wars crop up from time-to-time and then everyone settles down.
Personal attacks, such as the one posted earlier, have no place on what
is ostensibly a "self-policed' list. 

My advice, if you don't like it here and don't feel compelled to help
others, don't let the header hit you on your ass on the way out. Other
than that, continuuing a flame war that had all but ceased is way out of
line on your part.

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