
> The most appealing method (in my mind) is to develop a socket protocol
> that allows the application to communicate with the console. The drawback
> here seems to be that the console will not usually be active, and I'm
> concerned that attempting to establish a connection will impose too much
> overhead since most often there will be nothing listening.

How about using the event-listener pattern? When the console starts
and stops it will register and unregister with the application. The
application will only send events to registered listeners (actively
running consoles).

> The most viable solution I can dream up is writing events to a log file,
> and have the console (basically) "tail -f" that file to watch the online
> activity. The added value of this approach is a log file can be archived
> easily or analyzed offline without the need for a database. Potential
> drawbacks include the overhead of file I/O and file locking, etc.

Logging may be something you'll want to do regardless of the
communication model.


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