Take a look at:

I'm using in my local network, and works fine!!!

On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 12:10:13 +0300, Burhan Khalid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-09-05 at 05:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I want to build a music site, all copyrights intact, and I want users to be
> > able to download mp3 or realplayer files using a one-click link. When they
> > click on a link they will simply be given a typical download window to save
> > that music file. How do I go about doing that and how should my file
> > structure work? What should the link include? Is it possible to just say,
> > for example, http://somesite.com/music/something.mp3? Also, if I wanted them
> > to listen to streamed music does PHP have any specialized functions I could
> > use to achieve that? I just need some direction. Any help would be
> > appreciated. Thank you.
> For the downloading part, Google "php force download". If you just give
> the users a link (like in your example) there is nothing that's stopping
> them from simply requesting the URL. I would suggest you store the files
> outside your webroot and then have PHP access them (this way, Apache
> can't see them).
> Listening to streaming music really doesn't have much to do with PHP.
> You would need a streaming server (like Windows Media Services, or the
> open source Darwin Streaming Server (from Apple)).  Other options
> include shoutcast, real media, etc.
> --
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Pablo M. Rivas. http://pmrivas.ipupdater.com

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