Michal Migurski wrote:

What i want is basically a way for many users to update, add or delete
parts of a text (the lyric). It will probably only be 'trusted' users
that'll be able to do it (users that has added more than x
artists/albums/songs). How can i make a CVS-like system, where you can
see the changes people made, maybe roll back to an earlier version etc.

You've just described a wiki - one example of a wiki that is written in
PHP and MySQL is http://tavi.sourceforge.net. The code is a little
spaghetti-like, but you should be able to look through the database schema
to understand how they implement the multi-user text editing, and how to
handle the related problems of locking and revision control.

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html
Wow, confusing code - but i think i got the idea. Just one thing: After reading the code, it seems to me that every time someone makes a change to a record, a new row is inserted into the DB with the full text of the edited record - not just the changes. I saw that there was an automatic expiration function, but still, wouldn't it be a drag for the server?

Daniel Schierbeck

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