Hi there,
Still sitting on this problem of not being able to dynamically zip a bunch
of files together, to output them as a Save Dialog box for downloading. I am
using the rather old pclzip classes for the zipping part (still wrestle with
the server admin to get Archive_xxx stuff from PEAR installed - hate Debian
Now I came across a discussion in which someone said that [code] ob_start(
"ob_gzhandler");[/code] should not be used when one things of dynamically
outputting stuff via header() to the browser.
Anyone has got a story on that? Or even better, an idea how to get this show
going even with [same-code]ob_start( "ob_gzhandler");[/same-code] enabled.
Help is appreciated!
P.S. Sorry Marek, last time is was a bit slow to respond. ;-)

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