> -----Original Message-----
> From: Niklas Neumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 3:20 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Session variables and register_global
> session_register("test");
> $GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']['test'] = 'Hello World!';
> does not work properly (session variable test is not 
> initialized with the 
> value 'Hello World!') if register_globals is turned on, but 
> when it is 
> turned off?

$test and $GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']['test'] are *not* the same variable
*while on the current page*:

$test = "Goodbye cruel world!";
$GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']['test'] = 'Hello World!';
echo $test; // prints Goodbye cruel world!
echo $GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']['test']; // prints Hello World!

What happens on the *next page* depends on whether register_globals is on or
off. If it is on, then:

echo $test; // prints Goodbye cruel world!
echo $GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']['test']; // also prints Goodbye cruel

The value in the GLOBAL variable $test gets written to
$GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']['test'] when PHP stores the session variables
between pages.

If register_globals is off, then:

echo $test; // prints nothing
echo $GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']['test']; // prints Hello World!

This is because there are no session variables outside of $HTTP_SESSION_VARS
when register_globals is off. Also, all references to POST/GET variables
must be made through the corresponding $HTTP_***_VARS arrays.

This is a complicated aspect of PHP, and the manual is not real clear on how
this all works. I strongly urge you to write up some short test code and see
for yourself what is going on with register_globals.


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