* Thus wrote Sam Hobbs:
> Using the code shown below, I get nothing from get_class_vars but I do get 
> very useful results from get_class_methods. I realize that this is how it is 
> supposed to be, but it would be useful to be able to get the property 
> members of the class. The reason I want to see the properties of DOMDocument 
> is because they are not documented. There are some methods of the 
> DOMDocument class that exist in other implemntations of the DOM but not the 
> PHP 5 implemntation. Probably the equivalent is available using properties 
> to get data instead of methods. Due to the absence of documentation of the 
> properties, it would help to have a function that shows the properties. I 
> will look for the source code and I assume I can find the answer there, so I 
> assume I don't need help with that. Unless there is some other function that 
> will show the properties of a class in the manner I am looking for.

I dont think there are any properties for a DOMDocument. You might
want to look at the Reflection Class, You can get a lot more info
from class definitions:

Reflection::export(new ReflectionClass('DOMDocument'));


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