On 14 September 2004 10:19, Christophe Chisogne wrote:

> I'm looking for more detailed information about preg_replace
> (and other perl regex functions) than in the php manual,
> specifically about different escape rules interaction.


> The 'pattern' argument is a string, but how does php proceed it?
> I guess it first uses rule1 then rule2, ie php string escape rule
> (for ' " and \ ) then perl regex rule (via verbatim use in
> perlre C library?)

It's really very simple: (1) PHP processes the string, doing all PHP escape 
substitutions, and hands the result off to the pcre library; (2) pcre applies its 
escapes to the received string and then performs the match.

> This mean that to match \n (the 2 chars), the perl re is \\n
> so correct php pattern is '\\\n' or '\\\\n' or "\\\n" or "\\\\n".
> (see comment 29-Mar-2004 05:46 on [1]). Is this right?

Not quite, since \n is also a valid escape sequence in PHP when used in double-quoted 
strings; so "\\\n" will be escape-processed by PHP to give the two-character sequence 
backslash-newline, whereas "\\\\n" will yield the 3-character sequence 
backslash-backslash-n.  Of course, this is probably a moot point since pcre will then 
interpret the backslash-n sequence in the latter into a newline, but it's as well to 
be aware of it anyway.

> In other words, is there some details about escape rules
> in pcre php functions? I feel much better when I can use
> a stable, reliable and precise API.

Well, the way I usually do it is to use the reverse order of the two rules above, so:

- construct your pcre regex, including any necessary pcre escapes

- then run through it inserting PHP escapes; this is a lot easier if you use 
single-quoted PHP strings, since the only valid PHP escape sequence in that case is 
\', so only backslashes preceding a ' or a \ actually require doubling.

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