Try this:

Dennis Gearon wrote:

You make a good point, Marek. They CAN open a new window with different results. Maybe it's up to each page to keep track of where it is at, via form elements alone, instead of through session values. Hadn't thought of that, but it must be the only way. Adding and extra layer to that might end up being really confusing to programmers for my site.

The values for previous forms could just be sent as hidden elements(and not kept in the session), until the whole thing is collected, then they are all qualified again.

The only thing in the session would be the user's id.

Marek Kilimajer wrote:

Dennis Gearon wrote:

I'd like a value to be passed back from every page, if that page was originally passed that value.

The two ways that I can think of it, are:
1/ Javascript with some sort of 'onSubmit()' function which causes a minimal form to be submitted via POST or GET
2/ A hidden form value, and make every action on a page be a button, which submits a form as above.

3. Define your "SID" value:
$SID = isset($_REQUEST['var_name']) ? '&var_name=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['var_name']) : '';
Write every link as href="page.php?<?php echo $SID; ?>"
Something similar for forms.

If no value was received, it would know it was a first access.
NO, I don't think Sessions will do it - I will use this value IN PARALELL to Sessions.
NO, I don't think Cookies will do it, since I want the value to be different for each
browser instance and each 'TAB' in each browser instance.

You will fail. User can use right click to open any link in a new window and the value will stay the same.

Someone tell me if I'm on the right track, and point me to a link that shows how to do:

   My idea 1,
    My idea 2,
   or your idea?

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