As many of you may have noticed, A friend and I have noticed the odd text at the bottom of spam. My friend once stated "What if this is some secret code.. they send it to everyone to hide that it is code.. but the person it is intended for knows how to decipher?" Hmm.. interesting. So that got me to coding.. I havent had much time to tinker but I do have some Fred Wrixon books.. anyway overall just getting started on this off-time project. If this strange text at bottom of spam is indeed some ciphertext, they are probably using some old cipher methods. This thought is based simply on comparing known cipher appearance to that of the text in spam and often seeing some similarities.

I was wondering if anyone else has wondered the same thing about the wierd text at the bottom of a lot of the spam, and if anyone has ever used PHP to create any cipher tools in an attempt to crack the following:

Columnar Transposition ciphers
Word transposition ciphers
Franklin-Dumas cipher

My first round is creating a script that goes through and takes various combinations (1st letter of each word, 3rd letter of every 3rd word, etc., etc., etc.,) I guess this is considered letter transposition ciphering. I have some vague ideas to incorporate dictionary database.. so if my script attempts to decrypt a peice of text with "method 402" and the result contains actual words from a dictionary, it will flag it or save it to a seperate database.. something along those lines.

This is just for fun... no one is sponsoring/financing anything here.. just wondering if anyone is interested in sharing ideas and/or code, philosophy, etc. Of course, this could be done in any language, or even on paper... I can burn a ream of notebook paper fast doing double columnar by hand but my interest is using PHP specifically. I figure, even if my friend is just crazy and no one is sending secret messages inside spam, it is at least going to be fun, rewarding in knowledge and the sharing of information and ideas. And if we do crack something, maybe Fred Wrixon can mention PHP in his next book. :)


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