I'm sending this command to mysql

UPDATE fusuario u, fgrupos g SET g.cdgrupo=1, u.celular="99823640",
u.nome="Augusto X", u.sobrenome="Cesar Castoldi", u.cidade="Florinópolis",
u.emailpessoal="[EMAIL PROTECTED]", u.idade="19", u.sexo="M",
u.operadora="T", u.email="", u.ddd="048" WHERE g.cdgrupo=1 and
u.cdusuario=g.cdusuario and u.cdusuario=1 and u.celular="99823640" and
u.ddd="048" and u.ativo=1 and g.ativo=1

and I receive this error message:

Mensagens do MySQL : You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'u, fgrupos
g SET g.cdgrupo=1, u.celular="99823640", u.nome="Augusto X", u.sobren' at
line 1

Why? How can I update with 2 or more tables?



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