On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 07:26:25 +1000, Justin French
> Can someone recommend a decent PHP5 book?  In particular, I'm
> interested in Classes and OOP.  I consider myself an above average PHP4
> developer, so I'm definitely not looking for a beginner book, BUT I
> have ZERO experience with OOP (in any language), so I'd like a book
> that can teach me everything I need to know about OOP one step at a
> time, geared towards good OOP design, and PHP5-specific OOP problems.

I was in the exact same position as you for many years.

I even started writing all of my functions in classes/objects because
I thought that's what I was supposed to be doing, but never really
understood why.

Then I got a cheap paperback book called  THE OBJECT-ORIENTED THOUGHT
PROCESS by Matt Weisfeld, and it *finally* all made sense!  This book
is *so* well-written, that you really understand the whole OOP mindset
after just the first 3 chapters.

Justin, I highly recommend you get this book.  Then AFTER reading it,
spend even an hour with PHP5 getting to see how PHP5 does inheritance,
abstract classes, private/public methods, etc.   But really you need
to understand the mindset first, and THEN the language-specifics.

(And then for the fun of it, spend a weekend learning Ruby :
http://www.ruby-lang.com/en/ - where *everything* is an object.)

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