* Thus wrote Brandon Goodin:
> Greetings,
> In the following example when I run the myscript.php I pass the $myarr into
> the addVal function of the MyClass class. The var_dump in the addVal
> function appropriately displays all of the elements of the array a,b,c and
> d. However, the var_dump that is done in the script immediately following
> the addVal method call displays only elements a,b and c with NO d. From what
> I can see, php does not retain the same reference to the array object when
> it passes it into the function. It appears that it clones the array and
> retains only the changes within the scope of the function. In java I am used
> to creating an array and passing it into a method which accomplishes
> operations against the array. The passed in array is also modified because
> it is a reference to the same array object.

PHP pass by value by default, you want to pass by reference, see:


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