Basically I have array variables, lets say:
$folder[0] = "basic";
$folder[1] = "standard";
$folder[2] = "knowledge";

Fruther down in the code:
$totalsub_basic = "10";
$totalsub_standard = "24";
$totalsub_knowledge = "12";

Everything runs fine until "$total_count" how do I take the value of
$folder[$i], lets say "standard" append that to "totalsub" and get the value
of "$totalsub_standard"?????
$i = 0;
while($i < $level_0_links) {
echo "First While Loop";

    if (ereg("^/$folder[$i]?", $PHP_SELF)) {
      $a = 0;
      $total_count = (eval("$totalsub_$folder[$i]")); <-------
      while ($a < $total_count) {
      echo "$a";


Thanks Everyone!

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