Christian Ista wrote:


I have a didecated server (linux redhat + apache 1.31.x and PHP 4.3.x).

I'd like for a specific virualhost, set the include_path and safe_mode

To do that, I did :
php_admin_value safe_mode  on
php_admin_value include_path ".:/design:/home:/manager:/login:/style"

Then I make 2 tests with a test.php page placed on this server.

1. I try in a test page, include an HTML file. This file is on another server. I have in the test page 
<?php include(" ?>. In the myfile.html there is only the text 

When I call test.php, I see "MY TEST".

It's not normal I thing because I include a file from outside the include_path.

Do you have an idea what's happen ?

2. I do an another include but this time from a local file (/etc/my.cnf, it's the 
configuration file for MySQL, the owner is root)

With php_admin_value values in the virtual host, impossible to include even if I 
specify the path of this file in the include_path. Is it normal ?

For me the most important point is the first, why is it still possible ton include a 
remote file?


because you've got allow_url_fopen = On. safe_mode doesn't stop that. You need to turn the allow_url_fopen Off to limit that ability...

- Tul

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