On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 15:55:29 -0700 (PDT), Chris Shiflett
> I'd be interested in hearing your honest feedback after you take it,
> whether privately or on this list. Hopefully ZCE becomes a respected
> acronym, unlike MCSE. :-)

I passed.

I thought the test was very challenging.  The areas I found most
difficult were the regular expressions, and the fill in the blank
questions.  I didn't feel like anything in there was 'tricky' in the
sense that it was purposely misleading me to the wrong answer.  But at
the same time I'm pretty sure you can't just study the Zend guide for
a couple weeks and expect to pass.  You definatly have to have some
years of hands-on PHP experience.

I made heavy use of the 'mark for review' feature of the test.  I
marked about 15 questions going through, then came back at the end and
actually answered them.  This helped a lot because the pressure was
off once I had seen all 70 questions and still had about 40 minutes to
think through the ones I marked.  I admit I guessed on a few of them. 
I just couldn't see a clear answer on some of the regex questions. 
But I knew going in that was a weak area for me personally.

I'm sure glad it's done.  :)

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer

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