GH wrote:
Are there anyother methods besides BBCode/phpBB that one can use?
Especially if I do not have pear available on my host?

I'm sure there are. For example you can convert the string using htmlspecialchars, and then convert only allowed tags back:

$text = htmlspecialchars($_POST['text']);

$replace_to = array('<b>', '</b>');

$replace_from = array();
foreach($replace_to as $tag) {
  $replace_from[] = htmlspecialchars($tag);

$text = str_replace($replace_from, $replace_to, $text);

You can install pear in your account, just unpack the archive and set include_path.

On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 18:27:52 +0200, Marek Kilimajer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

GH wrote:

On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 18:17:05 +0200, Marek Kilimajer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

GH wrote:

Thank you all for the information... however at a second look I
realized that I failed to better describe my needs...

My current plan is to have a series of articles and information stored
in my database...

The table will have a ID, Title, Author, Image, Content, Date/Time

What I would like to have is say someone needs to do a sub heading...
I would like to have it automatically be the same subheading format
for all of the content... in addition to the formatting...

The answer is CSS.

from what I understand it phpBB works only for BBcode... so how would
I be able to make is so that they do not manually have to change the
CSS or apply the CSS?

I'm not sure how you format subheading in bb code, but I guess you will need to modify the function or class that converts bb code to html and change the rule for subheading tag

Also... I saw one refer to PEAR, since I am on a shared server is
there a way to test if pear is available... (never worked with it and
am still new to PHP sorry)

<?php require('PEAR.php'); ?>

If that does not give you error, PEAR is installed. Not necessarily all

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