--- Rory Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I haven't done the exam, yet, but based on some of the practice
> questions, I'm getting worried. I'm finding sample questions whose
> answers are not covered in the book.

If you're talking about the questions in the back of the Zend
Certification Guide, don't worry - those questions are much more difficult
and obscure than what you'll find on the actual exam. If it makes you feel
better, several of us from the advisory board looked through those at
OSCON, and we all missed most of the first few questions. :-)

> One such question was a list(, $var) = whatever, and nowhere in
> the book could I find an explanation for same.

Yeah, I got that one, but the other guys thought it would be a parse error
or something. Having the comma first just skips the first argument - it's
like you don't want to assign the first value to a variable. Not knowing
this is fine.

> I've also used count, and strlen many times, but I've never used
> count on a non-array, which is what strlen returns.

I think this is something you should be able to answer, but that's just
me. It's true that most people who use count() use it on an array, but
it's not really an array function. It just happens to not make much
practical sense to count something that's only going to have one value (or
null, which will return 0). However, while practicality is great, I think
some theoretical foundation is also important.

I didn't write this question, so that's not why I'm defending it. :-)

Some of the questions in the guide require you to deduce the correct
answer from what you've learned. This can rarely be achieved if the guide
is your only exposure to a topic, and this is somewhat intentional. We
tried to target developers who have at least 6 months of professional PHP
experience (e.g., you've been writing non-trivial PHP applications every
day for at least 6 months). The guide was written to help people expose
themselves to a broader range of topics than their practical experience
might have exposed them to, because the exam is pretty thorough.

I think a very experienced developer can pass the exam without using the
guide with little trouble, but I don't think an inexperienced developer
can read the guide and hope to pass. You need more than that.

Hope that helps.


Chris Shiflett - http://shiflett.org/

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