
On 10/01/2004 10:12 AM, Olaf Van Der Spek wrote:
Is a (bug in a) script allowed to cause such a crash?

Not bugs in a script but rather in the PHP engine. In theory, the PHP engine should never crash but there is no such thing as bug free software.

So if I report a script that causes such a crash, it should be marked as bug (and solved)?

Right. There are instructions on how to provide a backtrace so the bug report contains information useful enough for a developer to try locating and fixing the bug.

So what went wrong with this bug report?


It's marked as bogus, although it provides a script to reproduce the crash.

That is not a crash. Your script making a PHP function request 600MB of memory. Since it exceeds the configured memory limit, there is no way to recover from memory exhaustion and the script just exits cleanly. It does not crash the current process, even less the Web server.


Manuel Lemos

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