On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 10:14, Curt Zirzow wrote:
> * Thus wrote Robert Cummings:
> > On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 00:37, Pierre Ancelot wrote:
> > >  
> > > in fact i got it in the ./configure --help :
> > > 
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/phpsource/php-4.3.9$ ./configure --help | grep -i spider
> > >   --enable-spider           Enable spider support
> >...
> > 
> > That said, if you still wish to compile a shared object module of your
> > extension then you can run this from the PHP source directory (with
> > suitable changes for your extension):
> > 
> > cc -fpic -DCOMPILE_DL_INTERJINN=1 \
> >     -Iext/interjinn/ -Iinclude -Imain -I. -IZend -ITSRM \
> >     -c -o ext/interjinn/interjinn.o ext/interjinn/interjinn.c
> > 
> > cc -shared -L/usr/local/lib -rdynamic -o \
> >     ext/interjinn/interjinn.so \
> >     ext/interjinn/interjinn.o
> > 
> Actually it gets easier..
> cd ext/custommodule/
> phpize
> ./configure --with-custommodule
> make
> Now you'll have a custommodule.so available.

Aaah cool. When did that become available?

| InterJinn Application Framework - http://www.interjinn.com |
| An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
| a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
| such as forms, properties, sessions, and caches. InterJinn |
| also provides an extremely flexible architecture for       |
| creating re-usable components quickly and easily.          |

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