On Oct 26, 2004, at 7:06 AM, Jason Wong wrote:

On Tuesday 26 October 2004 03:45, Philip Thompson wrote:

I have a form to upload a file from a user's computer to the server. I
want to then modify the file, and then let the user save it back.
However, I am having troubles opening the file. It says it doesn't
exist. Any suggestions?

if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['name']))
     $handle = fopen($_FILES['userfile']['name'], "r");
     echo $filename . " was not uploaded properly";

I know the actual filename shows up...

In the above you are only referencing the *filename* and not the actual uploaded file itself.

but somehow it's not uploading.


  manual > Handling file uploads

to see how it all works.

Yeah, that was not useful at all. That's what I originally looked at. If anyone has some "code" that shows how to reference the actual file, then that would be helpful. I have pulled my hair out long enough over this one.

I did try this, but nothing changed (b/c it's just an array):

if (is_uploaded_file(_FILES['userfile']))
    $handle = fopen($_FILES['userfile'], "r");

Tips would be wonderful. Thanks!

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