Daniel Schierbeck wrote:
Nick Wilson wrote:

hello all

I am foreach()ing through an array of ip addresses in a 'ban script' and
have the following php code:

foreach($ips as $ip) {
  preg_match("/$ip/", $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]);
  $ban = TRUE;

This is great, but if 127.0.0 were in the ban list (for example) it
would still produce a ban as it partially matches.

How can I alter the above so that only *exact* matches are banned?

Much thanks!

I'd rather go with something like this:

$banned_ips = array('', '321.321.321.321'); // Banned IPs

if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $banned_ips)) {
    die('Dude, you\'re banned!');

But if I were you I'd choose something more advanced.

And yes, I'm aware of the fact that 321.321.321.321 isn't a valid IP...

Daniel Schierbeck

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