On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 09:03:12 -0500 (EST), Russell P Jones

> I have an array filled with CSV data...
> array (
>          20040310, Title, Author
>          20041115, Title, Author
>          20040513, Title, Author
>       )
> where each array element is 1 line from the csv. When I go to print it
> out, Im going to explode each by , and then print it out the way I like.
> BUT, I want to sort them all by those first 8 digits, which happen to be
> the date. Any way to sort an array by the first x characters in its
> string?

How about a non php solution? Maybe sort the lines in the CSV file
first using a sort command line utility (like "sort" in *nix), sample
to a temp file, then open that file in PHP







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