Try this:

class base_object()
        function base_object()
                echo "I'm the base";

        function base_test()
                echo "I'm the base test";

class extended_object() extends base_object
        function extended_object()
                echo "I'm the extend object";

        function extended_test()
                echo "I'm the extended test";

Barring any syntax errors (I wrote this out of my head), this should show you that the base object is being properly constructed.

On 19 Nov 2004, at 09:02, Gerald Wharney wrote:

I'm trying the example at:


class A
   function A()
       echo "I am the constructor of A.<br />\n";
   function B()
       echo "I am a regular function named B in class
A.<br />\n";
       echo "I am not a constructor in A.<br />\n";

class B extends A
   function C()
       echo "I am a regular function.<br />\n";
// This will call B() as a constructor.
$b = new B;


Running this on 4.3.9 both as an apache module and
from CLI I get:

I am a regular function named B in class A.
I am not a constructor in A.

This is contrary to what the manual says:

"This is fixed in PHP 4 by modifying the rule to: 'A
constructor is a function of the same name as the
class it is being defined in.'. Thus in PHP 4, the
class B would have no constructor function of its own
and the constructor of the base class would have been
called, printing 'I am the constructor of A.<br />'."

Is this an error in the manual?
Or a bug in php 4.3.9?
Or just me being stupid?

G W (no bush)

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