On Sunday 08 April 2001 03:57, you wrote:
> I'm wondering if there is any sure way for PHP to determine whether an
> uploaded file is definitely an image file.
> I have a script that checks for size and mime type ('image/png' or
> 'image/jpeg'). The script works fine, but I've heard that it is
> possible to add those mime type headers to files that aren't images at
> all, and possibly something mailicious.

Well, if you get some images you won't try to execute them (images off 
bill gates aside :), right? So you don't really have to worry about 
"something malicious".
But if you want to check, just try opening them with one of the image 
extensions (gd, imagemagick, ...)

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

void sleep(){for(long int sheep=0;!asleep();sheep++);}

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