* Thus wrote Minuk Choi:
> hey gang, 
> I have a fedora core 3, with standard PHP and MySQL included with the 
> distribution.
> I'm having a rather odd problem.
> the following script(mailTest.php)
> <?PHP
> $result = mail('[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'test subject', 'test message');
> if (!$result)
>     echo "FAILURE";
> else
>     echo "SUCCESS";
> ?>
> does NOT work if I access it from the web 
> if I were to execute it as root on the Command prompt
> php mailTest.php
> It executes correctly and I get mail.
> This feels like the apache user is lacking access over sendmail or 
> something... since as root I can execute the script from the CLI without a 
> problem, but from the web, I get a failure.

You're probably on the right track with this.

Check your php.ini settings for sendmail_path. 

Also.. the default setting for sendmail_path is 'sendmail -t -i' so
if sendmail isn't in the path for your webuser then it wont get
executed. To fix this, specifiy in you php.ini with the
sendmail_path the absolute sendmail executable. ie:

  sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i"


Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."

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