I was looking at Zend training requirements, on Zends website.

They reportedly require Win2k/XP, and IE>5.5.

Does anyone know what specific part of these training courses require
Win2k/xp and IE, and whether or not it is possible to bypass this
using Wine(or if it is due to a wma dep, using mozilla/mplayer)? I was
discussing this with a collegue on the Irish  Linux Users Group, and
neither of us can meet the Windows Requirement, with me, running
various flavours of (GNU/)Linux only, and he running Linux, and
MacOSX, only.

I personally hyphothised that this may be a support issue, that
Linux/Mac would work, but that the support staff didn't know how to
use them? Is this possible? It seems strange that training for the use
of Free/Open Source Software would require win2k/xp.


PS I filled in Zends "contact us" form, but haven't heard back from them yet.

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