Hello Mike,

On 08-Apr-01 21:08:17, you wrote:

>I can change the column sof a table with the following code but how do I 
>change the row colors instead.With the columns I have "i" to manipulate but 
>not with rows.

>while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
>       echo "<TR>\n";
>       for ($i =1;$i<mysql_num_fields($result);$i++)
>               {$cell_color = "#C0C0C0";
>       $i % 2  ? 0: $cell_color = "#CCCCCC";
>       echo "<td bgcolor=\"$cell_color\">$row[$i]</td>";

What you need to do is very simple.  Just echo the <TR> inside your
for loop and make it BGCOLOR attribute change according to the row number.

While you are at it, maybe you would like to try this PHP table listing
class that not only lets you iterate and change colors for each row but it
also lets you change the highlighting color that the row will have when the
mouse is over them.


For display database query results, you may want to try this PHP class
based on the previous that is also able to display links to go between any
pages that the results may be split.


Manuel Lemos

Web Programming Components using PHP Classes.
Look at: http://phpclasses.UpperDesign.com/?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: http://www.mlemos.e-na.net/
PGP key: http://www.mlemos.e-na.net/ManuelLemos.pgp

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