satya bharti wrote:

sir, I am using Red Hat Linux 8.0, and tried many times to install apache 2.0 and php4.0 many times, the message comes that apache and php has installed on my system. when i execute a php program through my web brouser it shows blank. what causes this and how can I solve this problem? plz help on this matter.
with regards:-

There are two likely sources of this problem.

1. Are you sure you are accessing your PHP program by typing the name into the browser address field, e.g., localhost/test.php. You cannot use File->Open File.

2. The lines you added to httpd.conf are not correct. Check the lines carefully. You may have a typo. You need to add two lines in the correct location:

LoadModule php4_module libexec/
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php


Satya Prakash.

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