
Adwin Wijaya wrote:
Is there any mature DAO class for PHP (free) ?

You may want to check Metastorage. It is not really a DAO class but rather a DAO class generator. It tends to generate code that is much more efficient than DAO base classes as the generated code only includes the features that you need for each DAO class in your data model, and any static details are compiled as optimized code instead of parameters that will consume CPU and memory to compute.

For instance, you do not need to build your queries at run time. These are just compiled into the generated code, even those that need to take dynamic parameters defined at run time. It is like calling stored procedures.

The way Metastorage works is letting the developer describe your data model of classes in a simple XML format with variables, relationships, validation rules and the type of functions that you need to manipulate your data objects.

Once you have defined your data model, the compiler (which is actually a bunch of PHP classes) builds everything that you need in a few seconds. The generated code is very compact and independent as it does not need any part of the compiler to run in your applications.


Here are also some screenshots of the compiler Web interface GUI, Web forms to interface with sample project generated classes, and UML diagram of generated classes:



Manuel Lemos

PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

PHP Reviews - Reviews of PHP books and other products

Metastorage - Data object relational mapping layer generator

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