Matt Palermo wrote:
> I realize that I can use the strip_tags function to remove HTML.  But I
> don't want to remove HTML tags.  I just want to make sure all open HTML
> tags
> are closed.  For example if they user submits HTML with a <table> tag and
> never closes it, then the rest of the page will look screwed up.  I still
> want to allow them to use HTML, but I want to close tags that were left
> open
> by them.  This way it allows them to use HTML and it won't screw up the
> rest
> of the page.

Hopefully these are trusted users, authenticated to alter any and all
content on the web-site.

Otherwise, you might as well post your 'root' password on your home page...

Perhaps I'm just telling you something you already know -- better that
than you going forward with this and *not* realizing just how insecure it

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