On Sat, 2004-12-18 at 22:50, Sebastian wrote:
> just a question, what is the best way to sanitize your scripts when you're
> using $_GET or $_REQUEST in a query?
> eg, i usually just do:
> if(is_numeric($_REQUEST['id']))
> {
>     mysql_query("SELECT id FROM table WHERE
> id=".intval($_REQUEST['id'])."");
> }
> what about when the GET is text? just use htmlspecialchars?
> just looking for some advice to help keep my apps secure.

For numeric values that I don't care about the value itself, only that
it's numeric:

    $qString =
        "SELECT * FROM table where id = ".(0 + $_GET['someVar'])." "

Binary operators are almost twice as fast as function calls.

As for text... addSlashes() for mysql database if I'm using the raw
mysql functions (which I don't do if I have a choice), otherwise I use
the database layer's quote function which takes into consideration the
database type.
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