Sebastian wrote:
> if the script isn't that big you can probably use extract() in most
> cases..

NOTE:  Using extract() blindly import all the variables in
$_GET/$_POST/$_REQUEST is no more safe than register_globals being "ON"

Don't get a false sense of "Security"

Also, it would be rather tricky for ini_set to change register_globals...

I mean, by the time you execute that line of PHP code, it's already TOO
LATE and the variables have already been defined.

What would one expect PHP to do in this case:

  $a = 5;
  ini_set('register_globals', 'off');

So if I surf to

would you expect the above code to:
A) Leave $a at 5
B) Leave $a 'unset'
C) Generate an error
D) Leave $a at 4

Okay, D) isn't even a reasonable answer, but, really, none of the others
are either.

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