Hi, I am trying to include a header to my document, I my problem is I
keep getting a parse error on the line after the header ends. I cannot
see what is causing this, can someone see what I have done wrong, the
code is below.

Cheers for your help, Donald

<title>Accessible Computers <?="$page_title"?></title>
<meta name=keywords content="stuff">
<meta name=description content='<?
   if ($description) {
      echo "$description";
   } else {
     echo "Accessible Computers";
<meta name=Robots content="index, follow">
<link rel=stylesheet href="/files/ac_style.css" type="text/css">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#660099"
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td bgcolor="#99CCFF" align=left valign=top rowspan=2><?
    if ($no_menu_link==Home) {
    echo "<img src='/images/logo.gif' width=250 height=60 align=top
alt='accessible computers' border=0>";
    } else {
       echo "<a href='/index.php'><img src='/images/logo.gif'
width=250 height=60 align=top alt='accessible computers' border=0
title='Accessible Computers, Home'></a>";
    } ?></td>
 <td bgcolor="#99CCFF" width=20 rowspan=2>&nbsp;</td>
 <td bgcolor="#99CCFF" align=center rowspan=2>
 <? if ($no_menu_link==Home) {
    echo "<b>Home</b> | ";
    } else {
    echo "<a class=menu href='/index.php'>Home</a> | ";

    if ($no_menu_link==Catalogue) {
    echo "<b>Catalogue</b> | ";
    } else {
       echo "<a class=menu
href='/pages/catalogue/index.php'>Catalogue</a> | ";

    if ($no_menu_link==Information) {
    echo "<b>Information</b> | ";
    } else {
    echo "<a class=menu href='/pages/info/index.php'>Information</a> |

    if ($no_menu_link==Search) {
    echo "<b>Search</b> | ";
    } else {
    echo "<a class=menu href='/pages/search.php'>Search</a> | ";

    if ($no_menu_link==Contact) {
    echo "<b>Contact</b> | ";
    } else {
    echo "<a class=menu href='/pages/contact.php'>Contact</a>";
 <td bgcolor="#99CCFF" align=right valign=top><img
src="/images/borders/btr.gif" width=20 height=20 alt=""></td>
 <td bgcolor="#99CCFF" align=right valign=bottom><img
src="/images/borders/bbr.gif" width=20 height=20 alt=""></td>

ps. the no_menu_link variable is defined on the page calling the
include so that the page does not have a link to itself.

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