Here's some info about the two functions.

Descriptions (from manual)     :
  print_r  -- Prints human-readable information about a variable
              (PHP 4)

  var_dump -- Dumps information about a variable
              (PHP 3 >= 3.0.5, PHP 4)

An example                     :
  $example = array ('str'           => 'is good',    
                    'letters'       => array ('a','b','c'),
                    'integer'       => 31,
                    'float/double'  => 35.3787,
                     24             => 'hello');

  echo 'print_r  :'. "\n\n";
  print_r  ($example);

  echo 'var_dump :'. "\n\n";
  var_dump ($example);

Output (layout altered)         :

print_r  :

    [str]           => is good
    [letters]       => Array
                           [0] => a
                           [1] => b
                           [2] => c
    [integer]       => 31
    [float/double]  => 35.3787
    [24]            => hello


var_dump :

    ["str"]         => string(7) "is good"
    ["letters"]     => array(3) 
                           [0] => string(1) "a"
                           [1] => string(1) "b"
                           [2] => string(1) "c"
   ["integer"]      => int(31)
   ["float/double"] => float(35.3787)
   [24]             => string(5) "hello"


Manual Entries                 :


(test: print var dump faq8490)

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, John Lim wrote:

> Just a question that has been besetting me for a while:
> which is better for debugging -- vardump( ) or print( ) ?
> Does anyone have a preference? Why? Is one better than the other?
> Thanks for answering this prickly question!
> John Lim
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