>      By default, the program that generated this error will also be
>      killed; however, this (and whether or not an error message is
>      generated) can be controlled via the MALLOC_CHECK_ environment
>      variable. The following settings are supported:
>            0 -- Do not generate an error message, and do not kill the
> program
>            1 -- Generate an error message, but do not kill the program
>            2 -- Do not generate an error message, but kill the program
>            3 -- Generate an error message and kill the program
>      Note
>      If MALLOC_CHECK_ is explicitly set a value other than 0, this
>      causes glibc to perform more tests that are more extensive than
>      the default, and may impact performance.

Try setting MALLOC_CHECK_ to 0 -- to get back to your old behaviour.

Perhaps it is glibc's error-checking and logging and whatever internal
state it is keeping that is causing more problems than it fixes...

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