On Fri, 14 Jan 2005, Jason Morehouse wrote:
> Just wondering if anyone is using the apache worker module with php?
> I've complied php5 with zend threadsafe support, and apache2 with the
> MPM worker module on a Linux box.  Everything seems sweet.
> mysqli_thread_safe() reports true... anyone know if this configuration
> may include modules that aren't threadsafe?
> with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs with-gd enable-gd-native-ttf
> with-pspell with-zlib with-freetype-dir with-curlwrappers
> with-mime-magic with-curl enable-shmop with-jpeg-dir
> with-mcrypt=/usr/lib with-mysqli enable-magic-quotes
> with-enable-sockets enable-roxen-zts

Nobody can answer that question for you.  You are in uncharted waters.


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