well, since it's the openSSL library that's gathering it, that means ou can't control it with PHP itself. If you want to somehow change that process, either modify the library, or (if it's changable via the PHP extension,) modify the PHP extension for openSSL. Point is, there isn't (AFAIK/AFAICS) no way to do it VIA php.

Vladas Shukevichus wrote:
I understand it. That's why I am asking how to make my scripts run not 1 second (totally unacceptable), but 0.001 second. May be it's possible to make it work faster? May be it can gather entropy only once (not every time script executes).
In the same script OpenSSL gather entropy only at first function call,
then it can execute other functions very fast, so why can't it perform this process once not per script execution, but per hours, or let's say once per PHP libraries load in memory? If it can use the same entrophy for many functions, why it need to gather it every time when script run?
18.01.2005 17:24:28
"M. Sokolewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

didn't you read what wez said? they're gathering entropy... you


(and shouldn't want to) prevent that.

Vladas Shukevichus wrote:

Hello, Gents,
When I use any OpenSSL encryption/decryption function (like
openssl_seal, openssl_open, openssl_public_encrypt,
openssl_private_decrypt, etc.) it takes very long time to execute,

it has been called in a first time. After that other function


performs very fast in the same script.
[18 Jan 1:23am CET] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Not a php bug; the openssl libraries are gathering entropy on


How can I prevent this? All scripts executes a second longer, if there are any OpenSSL function.
Reproduce code:
$btime = microtime(true);
openssl_seal('Some information', $sealed, $ekeys, array(openssl_get_publickey('file://C:\512.pub')));
echo 'Time: '.(microtime(true) - $btime);
$btime = microtime(true);
openssl_seal('Some information', $sealed, $ekeys, array(openssl_get_publickey('file://C:\1024.pub')));
echo '<br>Time: '.(microtime(true) - $btime);
Expected result:
Time: 0.00************
Time: 0.00075888633728
Actual result:
Time: 0.969028949738
Time: 0.00075888633728

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